
  • Interactive Media/Emails

    Prominent Placement of Banner Ads on NYCTASTEMAKERS.COM

    We offer many types of advertising on our cutting-edge, multiplatform websites. Marketing tools can include simple banner advertising, as well as much more integrated and interactive media, for methods of raising awareness and strengthening your brand.

    Distribution of Personalized Newsletters / Email Blasts Send your own dedicated e-blast to our database of over 150,000 people, directly marketing your promotion to your target demographic.

  • Text Messaging

    Text Messaging (SMS) is the most immediate and direct connection to your consumers vie mobile devices. The text is a personized message (up to 110 characters) that describes your product or invites consumers to experience your product in greater detail. Messages are sent to a specific target audience you select from our database. You also have the option to use your own database.

    SMS Marketing: 100,000

  • Street Team

    RMM Group Street Teams are Courteous, Professional & Experienced.

    We Build a specific strategy for each campaign to distribute your dedicated promo materials in the most effective way possible. Key distribute location hubs are selected based on their immediate proximity to communities that fit your demographic. Other key locations are carefully selected for poster sniping, flyer distribution & other specialty promotional materials.

    Fesitvals, Concerts, Theaters, Nightclubs, Shopping malls, Starefronts, Countertop placement and Transportation Locations (train & subway stations, etc).

  • Voice-Shots

    A 45-second personalized automated message that describes your product or invites consumers to experience your production in greater detail.

    Approximately 3,000 phone calls are made each day of the week, totaling 21,000 calls. The calls are made to a specific target audience that you select from our extensive database. You also have the option of using your own database. *

    Voice-Shot Marketing: 50,000

  • Telemarketing

    Be sure to utilize RMM group's full service staff of experienced and professional telemarketers to call your target audience. We take your message directly to your consumer and provide them with the opportunity to take immediate advantage of your product, service, or any special offers you may have.

    200,000 Phone Numbers

  • Direct Mail

    RMM group's direct mail goes to a targeted demographic from our extensive database of clean names, updated on a daily basis. Demo-graphic targeting is provided via zip code, borough, age, gender, favorite radio station, etc.

    RMM group will include your promotional product(s) in one major "pig-gyback mailing" during the month of your campaign. There will be no cost for postage as you will be added to our event mailer. The promotional product can be provided by the client or we can create one for you.

    100,000 Direct Mail Recipients

  • Sponsored Night

    RMM grouppresents / promotes many separate events per week at various nightclubs throughout the New York metropolitan area. RMM group offers DJ spins, DJ announcements, kiosk displays, DVD plays, hand distribution of promotional materials, table tents, flats, and more. Displaying your company's signage at one or all of our weekly events will be an added bonus. RMM group excels at introducing new products by way of an engaging and personable staff.

  • Ad Carriers

    Your product or service can't be missed when it's delivered right to your target customer's door. RMM group will help you design a coupon book, door hanger, flyer or circular that will go to the neighborhoods that best represent the market you're trying to reach. Choose your distribution areas based on zip codes, demographics, proximity to your business and other factors. Your promotional materials can be piggy backed onto other distributions through ad carriers, or your promotional materials can be delivered on an individual basis.

  • Billboards

    Outdoor billboards allow your brand or product to become part of the landscape in the lives of your busy customers. Whether they're driving on the highway, waiting for a bus or going for a walk, your message will be front and center. RMM group’s graphic design team will help create the perfect billboard, poster, 8-sheet or bulletin to be placed in a location and neighborhood that makes sense for you. RMM group will help you find the perfect outdoor spot to cultivate your customer base at a great price.

  • Subway/Bus

    Subway Advertisements

    Countless numbers of people ride the New York City subway system every day and RMM group will help you reach them all. We will help you design platform posters, car cards, escalator squares, subway stripes and more. Your product or service will be front and center in subway stations, as well as on train cars and station clocks, offering invaluable visibility and precious brand recognition opportunities.

    Bus Advertisements

    Don't miss the bus. Advertisements in bus shelters not only make an impression on customers waiting for their daily bus ride, but also passersby on the street. These large-scale posters are an eye-catch-ing way to reach millions of people at once. RMM group will help you design a bus shelter poster, as well as smaller advertisements to appear inside the bus. With that captive an audience, you can't help but make an impression.

  • Mall Panels

    Mall advertising puts your product in front of crowds of people with buying on the brain. Consumers spend hours at the mall shopping, browsing, and eating at food courts, so your advertisement is sure to be seen. RMM group will help you design a mall panel and get it placed near anchor stores, mall entrances, escalators, food courts, and other high-traffic areas.

  • Print & Media

    RMM group has the proven ability to take on seemingly impossible deadlines and provide superior quality results. RMM group does this while remaining one of the most competitively priced suppliers in the marketplace. RMM group custom printing is a "triple threat": fast turn-around, great pricing & professional results. RMM group custom full color printing services include: 

    Flyers (3x4, 4x6, 5x7, custom sizes), Business cards, Brochures, CD packaging, Letterheads/envelopes, Booklets, Posters (8x10, 11x17, 18x24, custom sizes), Custom tickets, die cuts, Billboards and much more.

    Newspaper, Magazine, Radio and TV Advertising Buys 

    RMM grouptakes the mystery, and sometimes prohibitive cost, out of newspaper, magazine, radio and TV advertising. We work with you on a marketing plan to determine the media outlets, markets, size, frequency and other factors that will make your campaign as effective as possible. Reach your target market at a savings only RMM group can provide. Because we buy advertising spots in bulk, we are able to make purchases at a discount.RMM group will pass that savings on to you.